Shiralee Coleman

Natalie Rolt


I have simply fallen in love with the Azure Gown by rising star Natalie Rolt
By having a family background of fashion Natalie learnt everything she knew from her mother and grandmother’s experience within the industry. Producing collections and one-off pieces whilst going onto studying fashion, Natalie created a following on Facebook and Instagram. Her fans followed and watch her label grow, from seeing her inspirations and now being able to purchase her pieces. After having such a positive response Natalie has taken on a monthly market stall at the Fremantle Markets in Perth where she produces and sells her designs once a month to meet her growing customer demand.
Natalie quotes that “she lives, loves and breathes fashion and it is her greatest dream to become successful within the fashion industry – but more importantly it is to show and inspire the fashion world her love she has for creating her pieces, and the joy it brings to be able to have a career she is so passionate about.”
The Azure Gown will be available to purchase in December 2013
Image captured by Ben Scott
Watch this space!
Instagram @natalieroltdesigns

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